Thursday 30 January 2014

Fix it Dad

Well technically this is my 'technology blog' but as a guy and more importantly dad I often come home to some damage or urgent repairs!

Today was no different, my 3 boys appear to have re-enacted jet washing the car in our family bathroom. The kitchen ceiling below was ruined due to leaking water. Upon getting home I assumed the whole damage was entirely the result of over exuberant bath time fun!

But upon closer inspection my kids have dodged holding the blame.... This time! The hot water tap had worked loose from the main pipework under the bath. After much swearing and fiddling with my tap wrench the leak was fixed and order restored! Well for now...

I would love to have some amazing tech that fixes all the damage my wonderful family seem to enjoy delivering to our home. Perhaps a tazer that targets the culprits could work! Seriously I would love a robot that went around fixing taps, door handles, hinges, stair rails and our home broadband.

I am just thinking off the top of my head but during the last 6 months I have had to repair the following:-
  1. UPVC door handles torn off the door X 2
  2. Stair rail that had the baudstall smashed in half X 3
  3. UPVC side door no longer locking due to damaged hinge X 1
  4. Boiler failing to fire due to over pressure (caused by inquisitive child playing with the refill valve)!
  5. Broadband router failure due to toddler using it as a makeshift hammer X 1
  6. Leaking bath tap, Okay this one is down to general wear
  7. Stair gates torn from wall due to teenager hurdling it X 2 (yes 2!)
I think I could probably extend the list but I wouldn't have it any other way. With 3 boys aged 15, 12 and 2 I have a wide spectrum of abuse to contend with.

It makes getting home from work exciting and keeps me away from gadgets long enough to say hello!

Back with some more tech stuff later in the week, so long as I get 5 minutes away from fixing stuff!